Contact MediaCom
overhead image of small town

Investing in Our Community

We are committed to bridging the digital divide between major cities and America's smaller regions by providing the best technology available. Since 1996, Mediacom has invested billions of dollars into a fiber-optic infrastructure to connect America's smaller cities and towns. In 2017 Mediacom completed its 3 year, $1 billion capital reinvestment project to bring Gigabit speeds and Community Wi-Fi to our markets.

Giving Back to our Community

Mediacom is proud that our employees work and live in the towns that we serve. Giving back to these vibrant communities through a variety of programs is important to Mediacom. That includes programs like Connect2Compete, scholarships like World Class Scholars, the September 11 Memorial Fund, and Entrepreneur of Tomorrow Awards, as well as community grants and events like Say Yes to the Prom.

young people walking to school
technician working on cable lines

We Hire Heroes

Mediacom is proud to have hundreds of veterans who work with us every day, and we are happy to be able to provide careers and opportunities for them.

Hear More From Our Veterans

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