Mid-Missouri PrideFest Do's

Do Show Respect

Be kind and respectful to everyone, no matter their identity or expression.

Do Stay Hydrated

Bring water and stay hydrated throughout the event.

Do Wear Comfortable Clothing

Dress comfortably and proudly. Bring sunscreen if needed.

Do Follow Safety Guidelines

Listen to the Safety Officers and follow all safety regulations.

Do Celebrate Diversity

Celebrate and support the diversity of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Do Support Vendors

Visit the vendor booths and show support by purchasing their products.

Do Be Eco-Friendly

Dispose of trash properly.

Mid-Missouri PrideFest Don'ts

Don’t Discriminate or Harass

Discrimination, bullying, and harassment will not be tolerated.

Don’t Bring Illegal Substances

Marijuana is legal in Missouri, but public use is prohibited, and some attendees may be allergic to the smoke.

Don’t Engage in Violence or Aggressive Behavior

Pride is about love and respect; aggressive or violent behavior will not be allowed.

Don’t Block Emergency Exits

Keep pathways and emergency exits clear for everyone’s safety.

Don’t Litter

Help keep the event space clean by not littering.

Don’t Bring Weapons

Weapons of any kind, including firearms, pepper spray, tasers, pocket knives, and other dangerous items, are strictly prohibited at PrideFest and will be confiscated at the entrance for the safety of all attendees.

Don’t Forget to Be Mindful of Personal Space

Respect people’s personal space and boundaries. Ask before hugging or taking photos.